Exception EOleSysError in module ENVUPD.exe at 0001B91 Error accessing OLE registry

This type of error can be caused by numerous issues including but not limited to Windows system updates, registry problems, and dependency issues. Please follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

  1. Save and close all open reports.
  2. Go to Help > ACI WebUpdates.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to exit ACI Report and open ACI WebUpdates.
  4. In the Special Update ID field type: AIREADY and click GO.
  5. After the update is finished try the ENV eService again.

If the issue persists after running the special update you may need to run the ACI Report & the ENV Upload applications with elevated permissions to work properly.

  1. With ACI Report closed open your Window’s File Explorer and browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\ACI32\Applications.
  2. Right-click on ENVUPD.exe and go to Properties > Compatability.
  3. Under Settings check the box Run this program as administrator and then OK.
  4. Follow these same steps for the Report32.exe file.
  5. After applying these changes try the ENV eService again.


Blue Dot in ACI Sketch

Does a random blue/green dot appear on your sketch page like the image below?


Follow the instructions below to remove it.

  1. Open the sketch again in ACI Sketch.
  2. Select the Pointer tool.
  3. Draw a selector box around the dot.
  4. On your keyboard, click Delete.

Note: Repeat the steps until it’s removed.

Blurry Images in PDF/XML

  1. In ACI Report, go to Options > Environment > Printing.
    1. Under Printing:
      1. Check Use Fast Image Printing.
  2. Click the + icon next to Printing and select  ACI PDF.
    1. Under ACI PDF Options confirm that Output Resolution is set to 150.
    2. Under PDF Images Options:
      1. Check or confirm that Remove Duplicate Images is checked.
      2. Check or confirm that Downsample Images is checked.
      3. Check or confirm that Auto Image Compression is checked.
    3. Under JPEG Quality:
      1. Move the slider from Low to Medium (middle tick).
  3. Click OK to save changes.
  4. Test these changes by printing to PDF and checking the quality.

If the issue persists after applying these changes you’ll want to reinstall ACI’s PDF driver.