Release Notes

Software updates are available to all clients. In your software, go to Help, ACI Web Updates to ensure you have ACI’s latest services and features.

WebUpdate 24-0606WU


  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets for ACI Report.
  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets to capture additional Fair Housing keywords for ACI Report.

WebUpdate 24-0509WU


  • Updated client-specific rule sets for ACI Report.

PDF Translation

  • Add support for the a la Mode FR1033 – One-Unit Residential Appraisal Desk Review

SureStep mobile – v2.0.42

We regularly update SureStep® mobile; these updates contain bug fixes, security updates, and overall general improvements.


  • Your email will now be prominently and securely displayed on the Preferences page once you’ve logged in, providing clarity on which account you’re managing without the need to log out and log back in.

Bug Fixes

  • We’ve made several bug fixes for smoother navigation and enhanced stability.

WebUpdate 24-0418WU


  • Updated client-specific rule sets for ACI Report.

PDF Translation

  • Updated vendor translations and improved PDF recognition of the 1073_05AUAD, 1007, 1004 Hybrid, REO Addendum, and Comparable Photo forms.

WebUpdate 24-0411WU


  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets for ACI Report.
  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets to capture additional Fair Housing keywords for ACI Report.

WebUpdate 24-0229WU


  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets for ACI Report.
  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets to capture additional Fair Housing keywords for ACI Report.


  • Added ENV conversion for the Compliance Inspection Report (exp. 01/31/2024)

WebUpdate 24-0215WU


  • Updated PAR Logic Review and client-specific rule sets to capture additional Fair Housing keywords for ACI Report.
  • Updated client-specific rule sets for ACI Report.