Using Linked Common Responses

January 26, 2021

Linked Common Responses are a powerful and often overlooked feature that allows users to store a combination of field entries with a single selection. Throughout most appraisal forms, many fields are related through multiple dependencies and the data elements required rarely, if ever, change.

City, county, and state fields are a prime example. The city of Palm Coast will always be located in the county of Flagler which is located in the state of Florida. By storing a linked common response in the city field for Palm Coast, users can select the city from their common response list and the linked fields will fill at once.


Here is how to Create Linked Common Responses for a Range of Fields:
1.   Enter text in all fields in the range.
2.   Click in the first field in the range. Press CTRL+SHIFT on the keyboard and click in the last field in the range (all fields in the range are highlighted).
3.   Press F6 on the keyboard.
4.   Click Save and then click close to exit.

Creating Linked Common Responses for Select Fields:
1.   Enter text in select fields.
2.   Click in the first field of the Common Response. Press CTRL on the keyboard and click in each field to include in the Common Response (select fields are highlighted).